

What's the meaning behind your reading list's names in wattpad?

Hiraeth [fav rebirth/transmigration stories]
Diamanté [stories using book cover I designed/edited]
Firebrick [completed stories I finished reading]
Flavoura [supposed to be all-time favs]
Evilatte [strong villain-ish vibes]
Polaris [unique, charming book covers]
Feylantern [mid-read]
Cosmic [mid-read]
Overfly [mid-read]
Startear [mid-read, mostly triggered anguish]
Relung [stories in Bahasa Indonesia]
Authopia [Author's world]

Latest answers from 17Serenity

Stories you've read on wattpad lately?

right now? The Trials of Artemis, Queen of The Beasts, Alpha Alexander, and basically the books on my flip-flop list, because at one point the story made me want to flip my phone partly due to the thrill/cliffy ending/wtf moment, but it's a great read! and yes, mostly it's werewolf story ;)

What's a story that's really close to your heart?

Maybe most of my favorite books held some fragments that hit close or too close to my heart. That's part of why I enjoy and love reading every page of them<3 :)

What's the first book/show/film that comes to mind when someone mentions "fairy/faery/fae"?

Cinderella (2015)
I especially love the dancing scene, I recorded it for future reference with my significant other I had yet to meet lol<3

For today, what are you grateful for?

I managed to visit this spacious (did I forgot to add 'also a little breezy'?) room in the fifth floor of my university's public library. The wifi is scarily fast so I can use the connection for a little catching up with some of my semi-hiatus social media accounts ;)

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

Waking up healthy from my bed (okay that sounds so sad but not lol). Thank God for giving me another chance in life today :)

What's a language you've learnt or would like to learn?

Beside Arabic and English I've learned and still are, that would be Japanese, French, Italian, Latin, Espanol, and.. Russian maybe?

What are some stories you're reading at the moment?

Today I re-read Breathing Fire (Heretic Daughter #1) by Rebecca K. Lilley. I can't believe Rebecca K. Lilley and R. K. Lilley are one and the same. She is popular for her adult romance series 'Up in The Air' but I fell in love more with her urban fantasy book

Language: English